Footballers of today’s world are the rockstars, especially of America. However, those days are gone when they just appear before the audience or fans on some days and entertain the public. Nowadays, because of social media and other types of media, they are shown up in front of the audience more attractively and impressively.
For example, when both track and field globe records begin to fall just because of high skills, speed, etc media makes this news in the spotlight.
The reason for all this is the list of skills of football of the player by which they make their fans and audience mesmerized. Because of fitness, they stay in the ground for long hours, positively show optimum results, and not the least make themselves as the entertainment personality.
However, if the football player wants to earn name and fame in the play, they must hire a personal trainer. So, if you are looking for the best trainer, you must contact Athlete connect app because it is one of the best apps that help you get a personal trainer to be perfect in the game.
Regards to this, when one of the famous coach James Ralph who is the personal trainer, sat down for the interview, he said some of the players ask only one question from their coaches. And the question is how they can improve their fitness level to win the game. They want to be explosive during the play in terms of speed, agility, performance, etc.
Regards to this, one of the famous NFL coach Rock Gullicks who is the head of strength and conditioning, has talked about the tips and tricks for the player’s body to be offensive.
He said that American Football is just the brainchild of transatlantic cousins, which is the product of fantastic game Football. But the players, no matter they are a beginner or experienced, are not able to fully understand the game.
So, if you want to get a place in the NFL, it’s mandatory to make yourself physically and mentally fit by gaining other qualities of a good football player so that you can smoothly perform best for the team. So, let’s explore these tips to master the game: –
- Strength training
Almost every American player nowadays is emphasizing on strength training as this game needs a more substantial and stronger player. But, this doesn’t mean
players follow any of the strength training which is given in the magazines or any other videos.
However, they must ask their personal trainers to assist them in strength training exercise to be fit and healthy and how to play well in a football match.
- Pack Your Muscles Through the Right Diet
Diet is another factor that plays an essential role in making your muscles pack, fit while attaining the physical characteristics of a Football player. In order to make the core strength, the mass of the muscles always presses forward via defenders. While playing when two or three players try to stop you from going ahead, then it is an alert that you need to develop your muscles. However, you can do with a proper diet.
Moreover, the player should have a close look at calorie intake. Ensure that you must figure out how much calories you need to add your muscle strength. But in this, a good rule of thumb is that for every one-pound body weight, you have to intake 19 calories every day.
For example, if you have the bodyweight around 160 pounds, you have to take 3000 calories on a regular basis for the pack of muscles.
On the other hand, think before what you are consuming to make yourself fit. This means your diet must include lots of vegetables, and don’t forget to hit the gym.
American Football has ample space for speed and agility while playing. This means it needs quick footwork. For this, the person must do drilling with the right equipment. Moreover, with the help of the trainer, you can lie down various patterns on the ground and challenge yourself to do faster movements to gain agility and various list of skills of football.
One such example is, just spin the rope quickly and jump up and down. Even more, side to side and back and forth. And ensure that you spin the rope faster to make your move faster.
- Flexibility and Dynamic Warm-up
These two entities are different but very crucial in playing Football. This means strength is used to gain a range of motions, and another dynamic warm-up is used to surge the core temperature of the muscles.
For example, before every NFL play, almost every player do these stretching exercise followed by a dynamic warm-up so that their dream of how to be a great football player comes true.
- Leave Time for Recovery
Just because of the demands of the modern game’s one after another training session, players don’t get much time to recover. And improvement is the big thing the player must take care of and ensure that you are taking care of these things without stopping your peak fitness.
- Split Training vs. Whole Body Training

This all depends upon the athlete’s needs about the upper or lower split that mainly focuses on surging overall strength and muscle size. So, in order to make your both upper and lower body split, you must follow these below exercises per week: –
- Squats 4 x 4-6
- Romanian Deadlifts 4 x 4-6
- Step-Ups 2 x 8
- Pull throughs 2 x 8
- Ab Rollouts 2 x 8
- Incline Bench Press 4 x 4
- Hang Cleans 3 x 3
- Shoulder Press 2 x 6
- Pull-ups 2 x 6
- Tricep Extensions 2 x 8
- Barbell Curls 2 x 8
- Power Cleans 5 x 3
- Snatch Grip Deadlifts 3 x 5
- One-Legged Squats 2 x 6
- Glute Ham Raise 2 x 8
- Hanging Leg Raises 2 x 10
- Close Grip Bench Press 3 x 5
- Pull-ups 3 x 5
- Incline Dumbbell Press 2 x 8
- Seated Row Machine 2 x 8
- Tricep Extensions 2 x 12
- Dumbbell Curls 2 x 12
Note: 2 x 6 means 2 sets of 6 repetitions.
- Squats 4 x 4-6
- Romanian Deadlifts 4 x 4-6
- Step-Ups 2 x 8
- Pull throughs 2 x 8
- Ab Rollouts 2 x 8
- Incline Bench Press 4 x 4
- Hang Cleans 3 x 3
- Shoulder Press 2 x 6
- Pull-ups 2 x 6
- Tricep Extensions 2 x 8
- Barbell Curls 2 x 8
- Power Cleans 5 x 3
- Snatch Grip Deadlifts 3 x 5
- One-Legged Squats 2 x 6
- Glute Ham Raise 2 x 8
- Hanging Leg Raises 2 x 10
- Close Grip Bench Press 3 x 5
- Pull-ups 3 x 5
- Incline Dumbbell Press 2 x 8
- Seated Row Machine 2 x 8
- Tricep Extensions 2 x 12
- Dumbbell Curls 2 x 12
Note: 2 x 6 means 2 sets of 6 repetitions.
So, these above exercises are a must for the American Football player to have an edge on the game with the passage of the time. However, you can also practice free kicks, ball work, and play according to the position continuously.